Incident reporting can make or break a business

South Australian Business News  •  Industrial Relations
Cindy Jackway
Thursday, June 27th 2024

Incidents in the workplace can and do happen, what we do after can significantly impact an organisation. By understanding the crucial steps that follow will assist with preventing future incidents but also improve overall operational efficiency, employee satisfaction and collaboration with SafeWork.

The involvement of SafeWork following safety-related incidents underscores the importance of maintaining high safety standards in the workplace and internally investigating incidents properly.

Investigating workplace incidents thoroughly, is crucial to understanding the underlying causes and implementing effective preventative measures. By doing so, an organisation can:

  • Identify Contributing Factors: Determine all the factors that contributed to the incident, including environmental, procedural, human, and equipment-related aspects.
  • Implement Control Measures: Develop and put in place control measures that address the identified risks. These measures could include changes to procedures, additional training, improvements in equipment maintenance, or modifications to the work environment.
  • Prevent Recurrence: Ensure that the incident does not happen again by addressing the root causes rather than just the symptoms. This proactive approach helps in creating a safer workplace.
  • Enhance Safety Practices: Use the data collected from incident investigations to continuously improve safety practices. This might involve updating safety protocols, introducing new technologies, or fostering a culture of safety awareness among employees.
  • Educate and Learn: Share the findings and lessons learned from the incident investigation with all employees. This helps in building a collective understanding of the risks and the importance of adhering to safety measures.

      The South Australian Business Chamber has released a course that covers the six steps of an incident investigation including any incident that is required to be notified to the safety regulator and the processes of how and when to complete the investigation and the notification. 

      By investigating incidents and implementing appropriate corrective actions, organizations can identify inefficiencies, vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. Addressing these issues improves overall efficiency, enhances productivity and contributes to a healthier work environment.

      For further information: Inspections and Incident Investigations — Training Course | The South Australian Business Chamber (sabusi​ness​cham​ber​.com​.au)


      Cindy Jackway

      Training Manager
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