Join the South Australian Business Chamber
Join more than 3,000 like-minded SA businesses.
Become a member today and enjoy the great benefits of a South Australian Business Chamber membership.
Select a package that’s right for you and experience the benefits of connection, knowledge and opportunity.
Member benefits and inclusions
Basics Package
$397 *
Annually * plus GSTStartup Package
$499 *
Annually * plus GSTSME Package
$829 *
Annually * plus GSTCorporate Package
$3,971 *
Annually * plus GST Opportunity to contribute to the South Australian Business Chamber's policy and advocacy positions
Opportunity to participate in reference groups and complete policy related surveys throughout the year
The South Australian Business Chamber Today weekly newsletter
Account Manager
Dedicated Corporate Account Director
Account Manager Support
Business Profiling
Member Profile Video
A listing in the South Australian Business Directory
Business Networking
Direct member introductions
Bespoke networking boardroom lunches
Invites are 1 ticket per event
Offsite corporate lunches in exclusive locations (valued at $250 per lunch) 4 per year
Invites are 1 ticket per event
Business Talks Seminars
Invites are 1 ticket per event
The South Australian Business Chamber Masterclasses, Seminars, Workshops & Webinars
Invites are 1 ticket per event
All member Chamber networking events
Invites are 1 ticket per event
Discounted rates for all major events
Provision of the South Australian Business Chamber Logo Library to promote your membership
Opportunity to Sponsor the South Australian Business Chamber Events.
1 x banner advertisements per year in newsletter (23,000 contacts)
Media Training
Public speaking / media training course
Opportunity to enroll in one of two courses per year
Human Resources and Industrial Relations
Unlimited access to the Business Advice Hotline
Complimentary Employers Handbook
Complimentary for the first year of membership
Modern Award Subscription
Complimentary for the first year of membership
x 1
x 2
x 20
Complimentary 30-Minute Phone consultation with one of our the South Australian Business Chamber Workplace Advisors
Complimentary for the first year of membership
Discounts on the South Australian Business Chamber consulting from our Workplace Consultants - Industrial Relations, Human Resources, WHS and Workers compensation
Training voucher to use towards any public/scheduled courses or onsite training courses
Significant discounts on the South Australian Business Chamber training courses. As low as $300 for sales, leadership and WHS training
International Services
Significant discounts on the South Australian Business Chamber International Services including sponsored visas, ATA Carnet, and export certificates