Get Business Advice
Immediate, on-demand business advice — whenever you need it.
Available during business hours to help with your HR, WPR and WHS compliance, and more.
Got a burning employment question?
Not sure if your business is complying with the law?
Confused about modern awards and workplace relations legislation?
Maybe you just need a quick tip or a little reassurance that you’re heading down the right track?
The Business Advice Hotline is here for you.
The Business Advice Hotline provides clear, practical workplace advice to businesses about compliance issues relating to Industrial Relations, Workplace Relations, Human Resource Management, Work Health and Safety, and injury management.
This service is available exclusively to members of the South Australian Business Chamber in our Startup, SME, Corporate and 1839 Membership packages. Use of the service is unlimited and members are able to use it whenever they wish.
To access the Business Advice Hotline, become a the South Australian Business Chamber member today.
Our team of Workplace Advisors is available to help you any time between 8.30am — 5pm Monday to Friday via online enquiry form, telephone or online chat (coming soon).
Ask the experts
Contact the Business Advice Hotline
Submit the enquiry form below and one of our staff will get back in touch with you.