Could skilled migrant be the solution to labour shortages

South Australian Business News  •  HR and workplace relations
Yarik Turianskyi
Thursday, June 27th 2024

The South Australian Business Chamber partnered with the Department for Industry, Innovation, and Science (DIIS) to host a breakfast on 26 June centred around discussing skilled migrants as a solution to labour market challenges.

According to the latest edition of the Survey of Business Expectations 56.3% of South Australian businesses experienced labour shortages in the March quarter, with 31.8% identifying the primary issue as a lack of available relatively high-skilled workers.

Skilled migrants offer a real solution to the current labour and skills shortages. However, many newly arrived skilled migrants face difficulties in finding jobs in South Australia. The requirement for local work experience poses the biggest challenge: employers seek local experience and networks, which migrants can only gain through employment.

Due to the need for regular income, skilled migrants often accept the first job offered, resulting in occupational and skills mismatches. A 2018 survey of recent migrants under the State-Sponsored migration scheme (such as in South Australia) indicated that 32% were working in positions below their skill level.

Other data reveals that almost half of the respondents (43%) were employed in occupations different from those they had nominated in their visa applications. This issue particularly affects professionals in ICT, business, human resources, and marketing. Due to working in roles below their skill levels, skilled migrants forego $1.25 billion in wages annually, while businesses struggle to fill available positions.

The event showcased success stories from South Australian businesses Miller Dental Group and Jarrett Indoor Plant Hire, both of which have been employing skilled migrants for years. 

Additionally, at the breakfast a number of migrants shared their journeys and experiences in finding employment in South Australia.

If your business needs information on hiring skilled migrants, visit the South Australian Government’s Skilled Migration website or contact our International Services team. 


Yarik Turianskyi

Senior Policy Advisor
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