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Year 1 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training

5‑day course for newly-elected or re-elected organisational Health and Safety Representatives

Public courses available, or it can be can be delivered at your workplace or at one of our training facilities.

Course outline

This five-day program provides newly-elected Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) with the skills and confidence to identify and resolve workplace health and safety (WHS) issues.

HSRs play an important role in organisations, advising colleagues about health and safety matters within the workplace and ensuring that safety standards are met.

By representing workers in their group, HSRs provide an avenue for workers to raise safety issues within their workplace, ensuring that a process is followed to resolve any hazards or risks.

Topics covered

  • Gain the powers to issue provisional improvement notices and direct that unsafe work ceases
  • Understand the context, objectives and principles of WHS legislation
  • Identify the duties and responsibilities of officers, workers and other parties
  • Outline the purpose and formation of a work group (or work groups) within the workplace
  • Understand the election process, rights and protections of an appointed HSR
  • Identify a range of strategies that support the consultation process
  • Understand how HSRs can contribute to the management of risk in the workplace

Who is this course for?

This course is for newly-elected or re-elected organisational Health and Safety Representatives.

HSRs are required to bring their HSR ID to training. A HSR ID is obtained via Safework SA.

Note that this course qualifies for Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) subsidies. CITB Website


5 days

Online delivery available

This course is available online. The South Australian Business Chamber’s learning management system allows students to access course content, reading material and online activities in the comfort of their homes or workplace. On each of the days of the course, participants will have up to three 80-minute facilitated sessions, in addition to self-guided reading and activities. Online courses are identified in the dates/​venues listing below.

Course costs

Metropolitan in-person delivery

The South Australian Business Chamber Member - $1,166.00 (inc. GST)

Non-Member - $1,282.60 (inc. GST) - Become a member today to access the cheaper rate...

CITB subsidy - eligible participants receive a subsidy of $518.00 (inc. GST), which is deducted from the overall cost of the course

Regional in-person delivery

Regional rate - $1,094.50 (inc. GST)

CITB subsidy - eligible participants receive a subsidy of $518.00 (inc. GST), which is deducted from the overall cost of the course

Online delivery

The South Australian Business Chamber Member - $1,067.00 (inc. GST)

Non-Member - $1,177.00 (inc. GST) - Become a member today to access the cheaper rate...

CITB subsidy - eligible participants receive a subsidy of $518.00 (inc. GST), which is deducted from the overall cost of the course

Completed in-person, in two separate parts


Rate for all participants - $770.00 (inc. GST)

CITB subsidy - eligible participants receive a subsidy of $560.00 (inc. GST), which is deducted from the overall cost of the course


Rate for all participants - $517.00 (inc. GST)

CITB subsidy - eligible participants receive a subsidy of $560.00 (inc. GST), which is deducted from the overall cost of the course

Completed online, in two separate parts


The South Australian Business Chamber Member - $416.90 (inc. GST)

Non-Member - $463.54 (inc. GST)

CITB subsidy - eligible participants receive a subsidy of $560.00 (inc. GST), which is deducted from the overall cost of the course


The South Australian Business Chamber Member - $625.35 (inc. GST)

Non-Member - $695.31 (inc. GST)

CITB subsidy - eligible participants receive a subsidy of $560.00 (inc. GST), which is deducted from the overall cost of the course

Upcoming courses

This training is delivered as a public course (see dates/​venues below), but it can also be delivered on request, either at your workplace or at our training facilities. Please submit a training enquiry for further information.

Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Gepps Cross — 560 Main North Road – Coopers Alehouse Hotel
24-28 February 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Unley — 136 Greenhill Road, Unley
17-21 March 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1 (Online version)
Online — Facilitated online via Zoom
26-28 March, 31 March - 1 April 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Unley — 136 Greenhill Road, Unley
7-11 April 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Unley — 136 Greenhill Road, Unley
5-9 May 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1 (Online version)
Online — Facilitated online via Zoom
14-16, 19-20 May 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Barossa — 14-22 Murray Street, Nuriootpa - Vine Inn
26-30 May 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Unley — 136 Greenhill Road, Unley
2-6 June 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Gepps Cross — 560 Main North Road – Coopers Alehouse Hotel
16-20 June 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Training course
Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training - Year 1
Unley — 136 Greenhill Road, Unley
23-27 June 2025, 8.45am- 4.30pm
Our Training lead

Cindy Jackway

Training Manager
Got a question?
Give us a call

Health and Safety Representative training courses

Year 1 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training

Year 2 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training

Year 3 Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training

Refresher - Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training

The South Australian Business Chamber

Contact us about training

Please submit the enquiry form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you.
