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Modern Award Subscription Packs

Pay your staff correctly and stay legally compliant.

Our Modern Award subscription packs will ensure you meet salary obligations to your staff.

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Give us a call

There’s nothing more important in business than your staff. 

Making sure their pay rates and working conditions are correct should be a priority.

When you purchase a Modern Award subscription pack, you’ll be subscribed to email updates alerting you to changes in conditions. This subscription ensures that you always have the most up-to-date information, ensuring that you remain compliant with Workplace Relations legislation.

Need more information? 

Complete our online enquiry form and one of our staff will get back in touch with you.

The South Australian Business Chamber has developed a series of 100+ Modern Award subscription packs, which provide a detailed understanding of wage rates and award information for specific industries.

Modern Awards
Aboriginal Health Award 2020
Modern Awards
Aged Care Award 2010
Modern Awards
Air Pilots Award 2020
Modern Awards
Aircraft Cabin Crew Award 2020
Modern Awards
Airline Operations - Ground Staff Award 2020
Modern Awards
Airport Employees Award 2020
Modern Awards
Ambulance and Patient Transport Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Amusement, Events and Recreation Award 2020
Modern Awards
Animal Care And Veterinary Services Award 2020
Modern Awards
Aquaculture Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Architects Award 2020
Modern Awards
Asphalt Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Banking, Finance And Insurance Award 2020
Modern Awards
Book Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Broadcasting And Recorded Entertainment And Cinemas Award 2020
Modern Awards
Building And Construction General On-Site Award 2020
Modern Awards
Business Equipment Award 2020
Modern Awards
Car Parking Award 2020
Modern Awards
Cement Lime And Quarrying Award 2020
Modern Awards
Cemetery Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Children's Services Award 2010
Modern Awards
Cleaning Services Award 2020
Modern Awards
Clerks - Private Sector Award 2020
Modern Awards
Commercial Sales Award 2020
Modern Awards
Concrete Products Award 2020
Modern Awards
Contract Call Centres Award 2020
Modern Awards
Corrections And Detention (Private Sector) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Dredging Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Dry Cleaning And Laundry Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Educational Services (Post-Secondary Education) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Educational Services (Schools) General Staff Award 2020
Modern Awards
Educational Services (Teachers) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Electrical Power Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Electrical, Electronic And Communications Contracting Award 2020
Modern Awards
Fast Food Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Fire Fighting Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Fitness Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Food, Beverage And Tobacco Manufacturing Award 2020
Modern Awards
Funeral Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Gardening And Landscaping Services Award 2020
Modern Awards
Gas Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
General Retail Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Graphic Arts, Printing And Publishing Award 2020
Modern Awards
Hair And Beauty Industry Award 2010
Modern Awards
Health Professionals And Support Services Award 2020
Modern Awards
Higher Education Industry - Academic Staff - Award 2020
Modern Awards
Higher Education Industry - General Staff - Award 2020
Modern Awards
Horse And Greyhound Training Award 2020
Modern Awards
Horticulture Award 2020
Modern Awards
Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Hydrocarbons Industry (Upstream) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Joinery And Building Trades Award 2020
Modern Awards
Journalists Published Media Award 2020
Modern Awards
Labour Market Assistance Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Legal Services Award 2020
Modern Awards
Live Performance Award 2020
Modern Awards
Local Government Employees Award
Modern Awards
Local Government Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Mannequins And Models Award 2020
Modern Awards
Manufacturing And Associated Industries And Occupations Award 2020
Modern Awards
Marine Tourism And Charter Vessels Award 2020
Modern Awards
Meat Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Medical Practitioners Award 2020
Modern Awards
Mining Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Miscellaneous Award 2020
Modern Awards
Mobile Crane Hiring Award 2020
Modern Awards
Nursery Award 2020
Modern Awards
Nurses Award 2020
Modern Awards
Oil Refining And Manufacturing Award 2020
Modern Awards
Passenger Vehicle Transportation Award 2020
Modern Awards
Pastoral Award 2020
Modern Awards
Pest Control Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Pharmaceutical Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Pharmacy Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Plumbing And Fire Sprinklers Award 2020
Modern Awards
Port Authorities Award 2020
Modern Awards
Ports, Harbours And Enclosed Water Vessels Award 2020
Modern Awards
Poultry Processing Award 2020
Modern Awards
Premixed Concrete Award 2020
Modern Awards
Professional Diving Industry (Industrial) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Professional Diving Industry (Recreational) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Professional Employees Award 2020
Modern Awards
Racing Clubs Events Award 2020
Modern Awards
Racing Industry Ground Maintenance Award 2020
Modern Awards
Real Estate Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Registered And Licensed Clubs Award 2020
Modern Awards
Restaurant Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Road Transport And Distribution Award 2020
Modern Awards
SA Municipal Salaried Officers Award
Modern Awards
Salt Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Seafood Processing Award 2020
Modern Awards
Security Services Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Social Community Home Care & Disability Services Ind Award 2010
Modern Awards
Sporting Organisations Award 2020
Modern Awards
Storage Services And Wholesale Award 2020
Modern Awards
Supported Employment Services Award 2020
Modern Awards
Surveying Award 2020
Modern Awards
Telecommunications Services Award 2020
Modern Awards
Textile, Clothing, Footwear And Associated Industries Award 2020
Modern Awards
Timber Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Transport (Cash In Transit) Award 2020
Modern Awards
Travelling Shows Award 2020
Modern Awards
Vehicle Repair, Services And Retail Award 2020
Modern Awards
Waste Management Award 2020
Modern Awards
Water Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Wine Industry Award 2020
Modern Awards
Wool Storage, Sampling And Testing Award 2020
Our lead contact person

Elisa Luck

General Manager, Programs and Consulting

Our HR and Workplace Relations service areas

HR Consulting

Workplace Relations (WPR) Consulting

Industrial Relations (IR) Consulting

Federal Industrial Relations Changes 2022

Modern Award Subscription Packs

Business Bookshop

Training Courses - HR and Workplace Relations

Business Advice Hotline - HR and Workplace Relations

Recruitment Services

The South Australian Business Chamber

Contact our Modern Award experts

Submit the enquiry form and one of our staff will get in touch with you.


You can unsubscribe at any time.