Bullying, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment - Contact Officers - Training Course
Half-day/Full day course for contact officers and grievance officers in organisations
This course can be delivered online, on-site at your premises, or at one of our training facilities.
Course outline
What do you do when you are approached with a complaint about inappropriate behaviour?
Poor, inappropriate and illegal behaviour can occur in any workplace, and it usually takes the form of bullying between colleagues or managers and their staff. It may also include discrimination against age, gender or race, or sexual harassment.
Worksite policies must be in place, along with an effective dispute resolution process to help support staff exposed to any of the behaviours described.
To ensure matters are handled effectively, contact officers should be aware of their responsibilities and the legal ramifications for failing to act. No-one wants matters to escalate if issues are handled inappropriately.
This course outlines the roles and responsibilities of the contact officer within an organisation and will provide insight into the appropriate ways to deal with the situation in a lawful and constructive manner.
Topics covered
- Understand the roles of the grievance and contact officers within an organisation
- Identify the difference between direct and indirect discrimination and the grounds for unlawful discrimination
- Learn how to identify and manage harassment issues, including avenues for referrals
- Gain confidence in your ability to support a person who may approach with an issue
- Identify the issues needing referral to human resources or an employee assistance program
- Learn about strategies for managing risks associated with bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment
Who is this course for?
This course is for contact officers / grievance officers in organisations.
Half-day/Full day — dependant on previous training undertaken in this space.
Training delivery
This training is delivered on request for your organisation. It can be delivered on site at your workplace or at our training facilities. Please submit a training enquiry further information.
Our Training lead

HR and Workplace Relations training courses

Contact us about training
Please submit the enquiry form below and a member of our team will get in touch with you.