The South Australian Skills Commission and Skills SA have extended an invitation to attend a Vocational Education and Training Completions Interactive Workshop at the National Wine Centre on Monday 1 May 2023 at 1.30 — 4.30pm.
The Minister for Education, Training and Skills, the Hon. Blair Boyer, will speak at the workshop, followed by facilitated discussions and networking. Staff will be available to answer questions and provide advice on the day and refreshments provided.
The Workshop is open to current and past students, apprentices, trainees, trainers, training managers, employers, Industry Skills Councils, and union representatives.
Less than 50% of people that start a vocational education and training (VET) qualification complete it. With skills shortages and high demand for skilled workers, the Minister for Education, Training and Skills is leading the nation on discussions to improve VET completion rates. Your ideas will inform a national taskforce and be considered by Skills Ministers for the new National Skills Agreement.
We welcome you to come along to this interactive workshop and to share your experiences and ideas on: