Strong farming sector holds up manufacturing in Yorke’s

South Australian Business News  •  Policy  •  Regional News
Benjamin Opiyo
Thursday, December 7th 2023

Businesses in Yorke Peninsula are concerned about high taxes and poor roads, notwithstanding the opportunities in the manufacturing and farming industries.

Manufacturing is South Australia’s largest sector accounting for 17% of the state’s revenue. 

Family business Kingsway Welding is sharing the spoils of the farming industry in Yorke Peninsula.

Director Nicolas Cook says the business has full booking for some of their products in the next three years and attributes this to the performance of the local farming industry.

It is a reliable farm area and that is the industry that we predominantly serve. If the farmers are doing well then, we are doing well.”

Despite the positive outlook of manufacturing, most businesses say council rates and company tax rates limit growth.

Nicholas provided a window into how the business approaches company tax levy.

The more money you retain, the more money you can re-invest in the business. The tax makes you strategic with your spending so that you spend in the areas good for tax purposes.”

57% of businesses are experiencing labour shortages with some businesses resorting to hiring offshore, offering pay above the award, and passing costs to consumers. 

Some businesses like Kingsway Welding offer higher wages to remain competitive in the labour market.

If you find a skilled staff member, you do not know where to house them.”

Kingsway Welding told the South Australian Business Chamber they bought a house to accommodate staff owing to the lack of housing, a contributing factor to the labour shortage.

According to preliminary results of the South Australian Business Chamber 2023 – 2024 Regional Voice Survey, many businesses in the Yorke Peninsula require government intervention in economic and social infrastructure investment. 

The survey highlights that operators are concerned about the poor state of roads, lack of hospitals and few childcare and community facilities.

Kingsway Welding plans to relocate to a location with better roads to improve accessibility. 

While 33% of businesses surveyed so far expect profitability to stagnate or decrease, Nicholas Cook is optimistic due to recent developments in the area. 

The local town, Minlaton recently received a $10 million federal grant to build a childcare centre which is currently under construction.

Yorke Peninsula is quite a good area, there is lots of money around here,” Nicolas added.

The South Australian Business Chamber is collecting views though the Regional Voice Survey. It will use those views to champion for conditions and policies that are fairer to businesses.

Let your voice be heard. Respond to the Survey here.


Benjamin Opiyo

Marketing and Communications Intern
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