Sim Penzo Founder of CodeFish Studio is no stranger to being thrown in to the deep end, but this industry trailblazer is no longer treading water, he and his team are now swimming in a race of their own.
CodeFish Studio is a software development company based in Adelaide, delivering software and hardware together to provide tailored solutions for industry specific problems.
Purpose built software and hardware solutions is what sets Sim and his team apart from the ‘norm’, a notion he as always embraced, from the inception of the business in 2010 in Italy with his brother, before moving to Australia in 2012, initially make coffees whilst simultaneously establishing CodeFish Studio in the Australian market.
“I was making coffees on East Terrace and that’s how I met my first customers, by just making coffee for them, and then I would say, oh by the way, I have a brother back in Italy making websites, why don’t we do something together?
“Then after I got the first big project, it was enough to call Jake (brother in Italy) and say, Jake just come over here, there’s some business to do, and he never went back”.
Adapting and innovating to the world around him has always come naturally to Sim, and when COVID posed a serious threat to his business, Sim made sure he was moving with the tides to establish CodeFish Studio as one of the first South Australian businesses to establish a four-day work week.
“The cool buzzword out there (during COVID) was about remote working and working from home. So, we sat down with the team, and we basically asked them what do you guys reckon? Do you want to work from home?
“Then we thought, do we come in the office and work during the week and then use a day to take time for our families and be at home one extra day a week, rather than trying to juggle work, kids, and life all at the same time.
“Once we explore that and fleshed it out as a team, everyone agreed”.
Whilst Sim Penzo has been the face of innovation over the last 10 years, one thing is clear, his business journey is only just beginning.
Sim is not afraid to share that he has a clear mission to make South Australia the best place to live and do business.
This mission is the catalyst for joining the ThirtyNiners, a group of forward-thinking business leaders in South Australia under the age of 40, advocating for better business conditions to key decision makers, including the Premier of South Australia.
“I am really loving the ThirtyNiners, I can’t believe we are able to sit down with key decision makers like Premier Peter Malinauskas, it is just something you could never really dream of in Italy.
“It is great to have that type of real access, access to basically anyone who is making key decisions in the State. So, I want to use this access to really make sure that South Australia is our focus at CodeFish and work with as many amazing South Australian customers as we can”.
To hear the full conversation with Sim Penzo, search for the ThirtyNiners Podcast by the SA Business Chamber wherever you hear your podcasts.