Business SA, South Australia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry has partnered with the Institute of Training and Further Education (iTFE) apart of into work group to offer accredited training programs to aid in building a stronger skilled workforce for South Australian businesses.
Business SA’s December 2022 Quarter Survey of Business Expectations, conducted in partnership with William Buck, highlights the continued struggle businesses are experiencing with skills shortages.
The survey, which has been tracking labour and skills requirements since December 2020 identified the gaping hole in Australia’s workforce availability, with 58.3 per cent of respondents experiencing shortages in the recent December quarter.
While previous survey results showed ‘lack of applicants’ as the primary reason for unfulfilled vacancies, the most frequent response for the December quarter was ‘lack of suitably skilled workers.
Business SA’s CEO Andrew Kay hopes the return of accredited training programs to The Chamber will help plug the hole in the SA’s skilled workforce.
“With Certificate IV and Diploma level qualifications in Work Health and Safety, Business, Leadership and Management on offer, we hope to be able to train employees to provide businesses with some of the skills they are crying out for.
“Business SA already offers more than 20 different courses designed for employees and employers, with almost 2000 individuals participating in our programs over the last 12 months”, said Mr Kay.
Business SA member Willis Gray, Co-founder of Mondo Ventures has applauded the initiative.
“We have been using Business SA’s training services recently and have found them fantastic. Now for businesses to have the opportunity to offer employees training with a recognised qualification at the end, will not only strengthen their capabilities but also incentivise staff to upskill”.
Courses will commence in June 2023. More information, course outlines and specific intake details will be released in the coming weeks.
More information can be found at